About me

I signed up for my first marathon in April. I am bloody terrified.

I called this blog the reprobate runner, because most running blogs seem to assume we're all super fit people whose social lives revolve around the gym and running clubs.

Well... that isn't true for me. I like to drink beer, I am definitely of the 'just one more club' when sat in the pub after work, I stay up way later than I should, I have an internal weakness around food, I have been an on and off smoker for longer than I care to admit.

I also don't look like some thin divine goddess when I wear running clothes, probably because I am not particularly thin and have terrible spacial awareness.

BUT I do run, so for all the people like me who have a little bit of reprobate in them - let's rejoice in being reprobate runners.

I am also a feminist, a pop culture nut, and an internet addict. 



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